A Veteran’s Thanks

We live in a fundamentally decent nation.  When tragedies occur we throw in – either with good deeds or with money – but we throw in all the same.  Yesterday, that decency was on display again.  On Facebook, at football games, in parades, the nation showed its thanks to her Veterans.  

A couple of years ago I was flying out of Baltimore to Detroit for reserve duty.  Lounging around the Southwest Gates I noticed a crowd gathering and what looked like a reception area with balloons.  So, like many others, I stopped to see what was going on.  The plane just beginning to de-board was one of Southwest’s “Freedom Flights”.  These flights are full of World War II veterans coming to the area to visit their memorial.  As these veterans walked off the plane, some tall and fit and others pushed in wheelchairs, the crowd began to cheer.  It was spontaneous – there was no organized efforts to applaud, it just happened.  As we clapped and said our thank yous many in the crowd, and many coming off the plane, were moved to tears.  A simple, honest outpouring of thanks is a powerful statement.  I was glad I stopped that day, and not ashamed to say I was in tears when I finally walked away.

Once I was with a group of other Naval officers.  We were visiting Capitol Hill in our Whites (a completely impractical uniform but it does stand out).  As we walked into the visitors rotunda we turned to head to the group entrance on the other side.  As we crossed the rotunda we heard applause start on one side, and then the other.  We looked around to see who had entered, who had been the reason for the applause when we realized it was for us.  A completely humbling experience because none of us felt we deserved it.  The thanks really are owed to the young men and women who fight the good fight in horrible conditions under the most extreme pressure.   An embarrassing, and uplifting experience that underscored the fundamental decency of the American public.

Churchill was right: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.  From all of the veterans I know, thank you America for being so kind and for giving so much.  It is our honor to serve you. 

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