If I Had a Hammer, I’d Hammer

There is an old leadership saying that if the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer then everything begins to look like a nail.  I raise this for two reasons:  (1) I believe it’s reflective of the President’s governing style; and (2) I believe it’s reflective of Congress’ approach to problem solving.

Leading is more than campaign events and big speeches.  Leading requires listening not just talking.  Unfortunately, the President, at times very gifted orator and at times a dull professorial speaker, defaults to campaign mode.  I understand he feels he is taking his message to the people, but this isn’t governing.  The constant campaign cycle this creates results in a more rancorous and partisan environment.

You cannot give speeches calling out the other side and blaming them for unsafe food, flight delays, laid off teachers, kids on the streets, dirty water, poisoned air and economic collapse.  You cannot paint the other side as a darker and unrepentant Scrooge.  You cannot set the straw man as an “us or them” proposition and then cry foul when the other side digs in.  You cannot lament extreme partisanship when you stoke the partisan fires.  The oratorical hammer will only nail the door shut to compromise.  It may be time to look at getting some other tools.  I am sure, in addition to shotgun recommendations; the Vice President has some hardware thoughts.

Not that Congress is any better.  When given the chance to find common ground, the “super committee” was anything but and simply punted.  Most Congressional districts are so gerrymandered into safe seats that compromise (on either side of the aisle) could lead to insurgent campaigns from the left or right political flanks.  Smart, nuanced legislation has given way to heavy-handed solutions, such as the Sequester, or, even worse, using continuing resolutions to fund the government piecemeal rather than engaging in a deliberative budgeting process.  When you put the two together you get a sledgehammer of idiocy.

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